Stewart’s Holiday Match Checks are in the mail

Stewart's Shops employees prepare to mail 1,765 checks to nonprofit organizations in connection with our Holiday Match program.

Stewart’s Shops mailed Holiday Match checks to 1,765 organizations this week to support nonprofit children’s programs across upstate New York and western Vermont.

Created 39 years ago, Stewart’s Holiday Match program supports health, education, recreation and arts activities for kids under the age of 18.

This past holiday season, Stewart’s generous customers donated more than $850,000 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Stewart’s doubled those donations, which means $1.77 million will be invested into children’s organizations this year.

“We can’t thank our customers enough for their generosity,” said Jennifer Frame, director of corporate philanthropy. “Supporting essential children’s programs is a great way to build stronger communities.”

Since Holiday Match started in 1986, the program has raised nearly $40 million. Every penny has been redistributed to nonprofit children’s organizations.

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Click here to see a break down of the recipients in each county